About this blog/me
For me, hiking creates a sense of elation. It’s not always the same. Sometimes it happens when I finally reach that summit, surrounded by gorgeous views, only seeable from a secluded peak. Sometimes it’s when I reach that flow state, simply putting one foot in front of the other, and passively absorbing the sounds and smells of nature. And sometimes it’s not even during the hike at all, but days or weeks after, when I can look back fondly on what I accomplished. Hiking truly creates a natural high.
I believe this is a sensation we can all achieve from hiking. Hiking helped me climb out of a dark place in my life. And as I continued to hike more and more, I wanted to share my adventures, both as my own personal journal, but also to motivate others to get on a trail and share in that sense of joy. It is this that inspired me to create this blog.
And there is no better place to hike than the Hawaiian Islands. From raw, unmaintained ridges, to massive waterfalls, to historic volcanic craters, the diversity of landscape on this remote island chain is awe-inspiring. These mountains and valleys are sure to make you feel small in such a large world and foster an even greater connection to this planet and the other creatures that inhabit it.
Mahalo for joining me on my adventures. I’ll see you on the trail.
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